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Arvis Vanags
Please, write comments in english :)

1. vaitieka    (2008 02 14 16:11)  
2. Arvis Vanags    (2008 02 14 16:16)  
Yes, something like that.. :)
3. Lina.A    (2008 02 14 16:27)  
very well .. ;) I like that.. :)
4. Andrius Z    (2008 02 14 16:51)  
5. goda gedvilaitė    (2008 02 14 17:28)  
i don't know why, but i like it :)
6. Antanas Kairys    (2008 02 14 18:19)  
7. aliute    (2008 02 14 21:59)  
Quit interesting light
8. Antanas M    (2008 02 15 11:39)  
9. Algimantas Tirlikas    (2008 02 15 13:30)  
The expression of the model is very good~
10. Grazina    (2008 02 15 15:59)  
I like, not tipical , not sweet..interesting.;)
11.    (2008 02 15 21:03)  
storm in silence
12. Inferno    (2008 02 16 03:42)  
Great photograph, it looks like it has a story behind it, and you are a great storyteller. I wish her fingers were not cut off, though. :) 5

2008 02 14 16:10
Taškai: 42
Vidurkis: 4.62
Vertino vartotojų:   16
Žiūrėta kartų:   3760

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