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2010 4 23 13:03
Eimantai, Arkadijau, užknisot švelniai tariant, eikit kur nors kitur pypintis /-:
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2010 4 23 14:33
visoj šitoj situacijoj mane labiausiai stebina ir nuvilia administracijos & co tyla... vienintelis Mindaugas Jarockis turėjo nervo garsiai pasisakyti - respektas.
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2010 4 23 15:29
Algirdui Z.: nematau cia jokio kriminalo, na, nupaveikslavo vienas menininkas subine, dalis ziurovu mate subine, dalis menuly ar dar ka nors, del uzsienio saitu kulturos nereikia perdaug svaigti, visko ir ten buna; kas skaitot angliskai, cia atsakymai kritikuotojui viename labai gerai zinomame fotosite:
" do me a favor and NEVER COMMENT ON MY STUFF> " i would appriciate that. You're the master who's fallen from the Sky
"I have found you to be cantankerous and difficult."
"You are not good, you are arrogant. That's something else."
"Another knee jerk reaction. Well done!"
"I am not going to put up with your nasty attitude."
"Frankly, I too am sick of your so-called 'critiques' so I take my own action."
"Lofty aspirations for a mere mortal. I hope God is looking."
"You are rude and obnoxious and someone really should do something about the way you talk to people here."
"I wish you would stay away."
"Why are you here, to flex your arrogance???"
"You are a real rioter person, trying to get people mad."
"For the most part your posts seem to be boorish everyday snapshots. I wouldent look twice at most of them."
"R u sure u r a person? aren't u just a fu@@ing pessimist? Look at your description!"
"You just don't see the cruelty in his comment?! I for one found it offensive and cruel."
"I grow tired of you and you have only shown that you are cruel so when it all comes full circle"
"After reading his many critiques, I see that he has quite a following, of people that cannot stand him, any of his hundreds of abhorrent remarks."
"I am so glad you are the B&W master..."
"Motherfucker, who in the hell cares what you think? If you really dont like the picture then fucking ignore it."
"Your personality is seriously flawed. It's great how you revel in upsetting people and even have a list in your profile. Way to declare to the world that even though you may be a good photographer, your life is far from that."
"Get a life andrew and explain the critique poor is the comment I would give."
"do me a favor and NEVER COMMENT ON MY STUFF>"
"seriously, you have issues, what happened...you lil holga broke and now you have to be m*therf*cker to the rest of us..."
"Christ two thumbs down? What an idiot!!"
"you're such an ass.. and go ahead and put that on your super cool profile, champ."
"I think that your 'biography' page merits a minus 3."
"I've looked at your portfolio and I understand you have some ugly pics poorly taken so I understand where you're coming from."
"You should rethink your way of critiquing photos."
"However, after reading several of your critiques, I came away with the distinct impression that you are an a$shole."
"I am not dealing with your arrogance anymore, and, for your f*cking information I can spell you f*cking Moron."
"To me he is not more than a snapshot photographer with a meter and 3200 iso film"
"Your critigues show that you are too stupid to understand the system. So just stay up a Canada dumbass."
"What can I say. Like Jimmy Buffet said 'as*holes are born and they seldom change.'"
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Algirdas Z.
2010 4 23 15:42
VaRom, gal toks bendravimas ir telpa Jūsų vertybių skalėje, tačiau tokiame fotosaite mes tikrai niekada nesusitiksim
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2010 4 23 15:59
VaRom - eilinis pavyzdys kaip mūsų visuomenėje idiotiškas elgesys laikomas normaliu ir įprastu bei toleruojamas ir net skatinamas - ir net su pavyzdžiais, kad "taip daro visi"... o tai, kas iš tikrųjų yra normalu - anomalija, retenybė, kolekcinė vertybė, dinozauriena. no, srsly bob...
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2010 4 27 16:22
Dj. Gerbiamas Skarbonke - atsiprasau asmeniskai Tamstos ir visu kitu, kuriuos uzknisau savo diabatais su arkanoidu. Prizadu, kad ir toliau taip darysiu, kol bus tokiu veikeju Privatuose nemegstu gincytis vien todel, kad tai yra amoralu kitu kudrieciu atzvilgiu (koks tada apskritai tikslas diskutuoti ir sedeti apsibezdejus, kai tokie veikejai nevaldomi?). Man jo meno suvokimas yra nepriimtinas, kaip ir daugeliui cia esanciu ir siek tiek daugiau nei one.lt maciusiu ir delfi.lt skaiciusiu Bukime biedni bet teisingi - nera ko rautis su savo absurdiskais aiskinimais ir kabinejimusi prie to, ko pats nesuvoki (skirta arkanuodui) akadijau - butinai pakomentuok. Be tavo komentaro nebus ne Tiesos ne Sviesos.
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2010 4 27 21:03
cia per daug Mjiano rašo: | Dj. Gerbiamas Skarbonke - atsiprasau asmeniskai Tamstos ir visu kitu, kuriuos uzknisau savo diabatais su arkanoidu. Prizadu, kad ir toliau taip darysiu, kol bus tokiu veikeju Privatuose nemegstu gincytis vien todel, kad tai yra amoralu kitu kudrieciu atzvilgiu (koks tada apskritai tikslas diskutuoti ir sedeti apsibezdejus, kai tokie veikejai nevaldomi?). Man jo meno suvokimas yra nepriimtinas, kaip ir daugeliui cia esanciu ir siek tiek daugiau nei one.lt maciusiu ir delfi.lt skaiciusiu Bukime biedni bet teisingi - nera ko rautis su savo absurdiskais aiskinimais ir kabinejimusi prie to, ko pats nesuvoki (skirta arkanuodui) akadijau - butinai pakomentuok. Be tavo komentaro nebus ne Tiesos ne Sviesos. |
Vėl tas vaikas prie mano klono prisijungė.
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2010 4 28 23:06
Arkadijau - issiplauk galva. Smegenys prasvieses. Ne cia tavo klonas, ne tu parinkis. Ziurek, tai kas tau priklauso. Prasibalsuok - senokai matyt jau darei tai
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