Arvis Vanags
Please, write comments in english :)

1. Raimonda    (2008 02 24 22:43)  
2. Darius Jurevičius    (2008 02 24 22:50)  
varyk varyk:)!
3. Ramūnas L.    (2008 02 24 22:54)  
omg :)
4. Флагвамвчaйку    (2008 02 24 22:58)  
5. Флагвамвчaйку    (2008 02 24 22:59)  
2/ do it do it:)
6. Nerijus    (2008 02 24 23:21)  
7. SRP-145TII    (2008 02 24 23:43)  
strange but good photo +
8. R.    (2008 02 24 23:54)  
good :))
9. Arvis Vanags    (2008 02 24 23:58)  
Ewerything is like in real life! Moast of all i like to make provocative photos.
Now i see that here i can show something more.. :)
10. birute kurtinaitiene    (2008 02 25 00:41)  
and at last next....
11. t    (2008 02 25 02:56)  
Good idea, i like this photo w much ;)
12. Zilvinas Valeika    (2008 02 25 10:32)  
13. kilimas    (2008 02 25 12:54)  
real photo!
14. mažasis buda    (2008 02 25 14:22)  
i actually adore his expression.xD
15. Tomas    (2008 02 25 14:26)  
Spalvota turetu gerai ziuretis speju butu stipresne
16. Andrius Elsbergas    (2008 02 25 15:03)  
17. Monika Daukšaitė    (2008 02 25 18:14)  
drąsu:] aga aš irgi manau kad spalvota būtų geriau;]
18. Monika Daukšaitė    (2008 02 25 18:14)  
this picture will be better looking with colors
19. Paulius Makauskas    (2008 02 25 18:15)  
substitution?:) nice field of action:)
20. Arvis Vanags    (2008 02 25 18:44)  
Moast of all colors stole a possiblety of importent things in photos, thats why im prefere B/W photos. Colors can be used as instrument of expression, thats all.
21. Andrius Vaitkevičius    (2008 02 25 22:56)  
well done. it's good choise to take it in B&W way
22. Skirmanta    (2008 03 07 23:38)  
I like this foto.. :)
23. z e g n a    (2008 03 28 22:30)  
cozy toilet for everybody : -)
24. E    (2008 03 29 22:11)  
Nice shot +5
25. AM    (2008 11 02 22:40)  
:) +
26. In N    (2009 08 18 17:44)  
cha :}}

2008 02 24 22:41
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