| SKELETONAS Autorius: | 2014 02 13 20:17 | Žiūrėta: 9117 Vienas FB Biciulis A. K. raso: " Koks jomajo xxxxxxx įvedė tą žodį 'skeletonas" (angl. skeleton 'skeletas, karkasas').. Šimtą metų važinėjom su rogutėm nuo kalnų, o pasirodo tai ne rogučių sportas o skeletonas? "
Taigi pabandziau nupiesti ,kaip tai atrodo ,tik labai buvo nepatogu ant pilvo guleti, bo tie griauciai bais i veida kvepavo, tad nusileidau nuo kalno "ant nugaros". 2014-02-14 mHm: ojojoj galima mirt iš juoko! | 2014-02-14 Petras T.: nekrofilija ! ? | 2014-02-15 persona non grata: ...nu jooo...kaip visada - Snaržijos kronikos...:)) | 2014-02-15 VaRom: kilme:
In 1892, an Englishman, Mr. Child, surprised his sports friends with a new sled made mostly from metal. Some speculate that since the sled looked like a skeleton, it was thusly called. Others claim that the name "Skele" derives from an incorrect Anglicization of the Norwegian word "Kjaelke". Both explanations may be correct but what is certain is that, from that time on, the sport known both as tobogganing and skeleton has been exciting and intriguing by any name. | 2014-02-15 Snaržas: Sooooooo,VaRom,but we are driving the sleigh......
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